We're all often very clear about what customers should expect from us. We're all trained and tuned to sell our services that way. 

But how often are we crystal clear about what we expect from a client? If you're honest, do you pander or do you genuinely serve the customers stated goals?

This week my Guest is Brandy Lawson. Defining what she does seems hard at first but when we dug into things she's done an outstanding job of specializing in filling the needs of a very particular type of business owner.

To the specific person Brandy serves she brings a stand out framework and a very particular set of goals and expectations. 

She's very focused on who she serves, where they hang out, what they need to accomplish and has built a framework she can communicate and s service set to deliver it predictably. 

She's nailed down systems and she's confidently expanding in while others are scratching their heads and wondering how.

About Brandy

Brandy is a lover of ridiculous shoes, advocate for the best & highest use of technology, bringer of clarity and recovering know-it-all. 

At FieryFX, her marketing & consulting agency, she makes it simple for business owners to attract the right clients and make business decisions easily, without all the trial & error by using the 4 simple machines of business.

Brandy's passion stems from the failure of her parent's first business as she experienced first-hand how critical being found and working effectively are for businesses to survive, and thrive.

Brandy' site : http://fieryfx.com/


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