When you visit a sales page or read an email what is it that moves you to take action? If you're like most people then it's because the website or email did two things. First - it made you aware of a burning need. Secondly - it moved you to act. That, right there is a magical thing. Every single business is essentially very simple. It's a value exchange.

In this week's show I'm talking to Amisha Shrimanker about sales page and funnel copy. Often seen as a dark art Amisha will walk us through how to connect and sell online with integrity.

About Amisha

Amisha Shrimanker is a conversion copywriter and a launch strategist. 

She writes personality-based launch copy for course creators, coaches, and membership site creators. 

She’s made her clients mid to high six-figures in a single weekend with her launch copy. 

Amisha specializes in sales page copywriting and has a digital product that teaches non-copywriters how to write sales copy


When she’s not writing copy for her clients, she’s busy playing mom to her two kids, biking in the park, and adding exotic destinations to her travel bucket list. 


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