Over the years I've heard a lot about Masterminds. I'm not talking about cartoon supervillains, I'm talking about business owners coming together in small private communities to help each other go further, faster.

I host masterminds, and I'm also a member of other people's. This week I asked mastermind veteran and the host of my favourite Mastermind group, Chris Ducker, to join me and talk about his business, journey, entrepreneurial isolation but most importantly about masterminds and what they can do for your business.

About Chris Ducker

Chris is a serial entrepreneur and author of the bestselling books,“Virtual Freedom”, and more recently, “Rise of the Youpreneur”.

Based in Cambridge, England, he owns and operates several businesses, including the VA recruiting hub, VirtualStaffFinder.com and the personal brand education company Youpreneur.com, that combined house over 350 full-time employees around the world. 

He’s also a trusted international business mentor, keynote speaker, podcaster, blogger, as well as the founder of Youpreneur.com - the world’s fastest growing personal brand business education company.

Chris hosts the annual Youpreneur Summit, which is held in London each November and is the self-proclaimed ‘Proudest Brit’ doing business online!


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