Varvara Lyalyagina is a true trailblazer in her native Russia. She’s done an amazing job of building her online business over many years and has pivoted, niched and adapted as her own skills and personal brand have grown. She’s living proof that the best route to success is never a straight line

About Varvara

Varvara Lyalyagina is a founder of Start Blog Up ( She works with Russian speaking creative entrepreneurs and teach them to spread the word about themselves by building their platform.

She's is a leader of emerging community of Russian-speaking creative entrepreneurs Studio (, that is functioning as a membership site. In April 2019 Studio celebrated a 1 year anniversary and currently there are 130 members inside.

Varvara graduated the Saint Petersburg University as a journalist, worked in journalism and PR and had a 10 year career in Procter & Gamble human resources. She created her first blog in 2002 and in 2014 launched a blog Home Where You Want to Come ( that helped her to leave corporate world and start her entrepreneurial journey.

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