This week I'm joined by Jerry Potter from the '5 Minute Social Media' Youtube Channel and also the host of the '6 Ways' Podcast. Jerry brings a veterans eye to social media. After a career in Broadcast Media he turned his talents to social media and never looked back.

In this very strategic interview we cover a lot of ground but in particular - how to make social media... well... worth it.

About Jerry

While working at a marketing agency, Jerry had 2 choices; figure out how to get big social media results with less work, or get fired. Fortunately he didn’t lose his job and started sharing what he figured with others on YouTube, founding Five Minute Social Media.

Now over 100,000 subscribers later, Jerry has helped empower almost a million people around the world to do their own social media marketing, all with a focus on simplicity and efficiency. Living in Arizona, he spends his time with his wife and two Tiny Humans, and is on a quest to prove Diet Coke is actually good for him.

Some episode highlights.

1️⃣ Focus on providing value: Offering something of value in exchange for an email address or a bonded relationship is crucial in attracting and retaining customers. Think about ways to offer valuable resources that make people say, "I can't say no to this!"

2️⃣ Be strategic with social media: Instead of trying to be everywhere, invest your time and effort in one or two social media platforms that align with your target audience. Treat them like plants that need attention and nurturing, and carefully analyze the value they bring to your business.

3️⃣ Utilize the "Date" framework: To build and nurture relationships with your audience, follow the "Date" framework – discover, acquaint, talk, and enchant. Tailor your content and engagement strategies to each phase and guide your audience towards becoming enchanted with your brand and offerings.


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