If content is king then video is the Emperor. Many of us will admit that video is probably the most important media online but for most of us it’s just really scary.  Those of us who procrastinate with video think we have good reasons. The sound’s just not good enough, poor lighting, waiting for a new camera. That’s all before we even start thinking about the emotional reasons it’s difficult. This week my guest is Brian Fanzo and he’s probably one of the most prolific content marketers on the Planet and he’s going help you - and me ‘Press the Damn Button.’ If the thought of video marketing leaves you in a cold sweat then this is the episode for you.

About Brian Fanzo

Brian Fanzo is a digital futurist keynote speaker who translates the trends of tomorrow to inspire change today. His customized and personalized programs showcase real-world stories and examples of forward-thinking people and businesses. He teaches companies of all sizes how to leverage technology in real time in order to engage their customers at the right time. Brian has a gift for bringing people together online and offline. He has worked in 76 countries, highlighting his passion for change, collaboration, and technology.

Brian has been recognized as a Top 20 Digital Transformation Influencer; a Top 50 Most-Mentioned User by CMOs on Twitter, and a Top 25 Social Business Leader of the Future by The Economist. His followers on social media and podcast downloads rank in the hundreds of thousands, resulting in Brian being an influencer for 19 of the Fortune 100 companies.


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