My favourite movie of all time is Disney's supposed flop 🚀 Tomorrowland. Why? - because it's about how the collective power of positivity and creativity can change the world in very real ways. It's also sci-fi... and a lot of fun.

Most people have never seen it. This makes Bob sad.

In business this movie is never far from my thoughts. I meet a lot of people but meeting Terry Weaver reminded me powerfully of Tomorrowland. HIs business is - Dreams.

As well as being the host of one of the podcast 'Making 🐘 Elephants Fly', authored a book of the same name and he's one of the most impressive coaches I've met. In addition he hosts 'The Thing' conference which he runs twice a year and is a regular speaker around the world.

This episode is also full of Tailor Swift references. 🫰

Some key take aways.

❤️ Dream and Do: Terry emphasizes the necessity of not just dreaming big but also taking actionable steps towards realizing those dreams. This includes creating environments like mastermind events where ideas can be nurtured through collective wisdom and mutual support.

❤️ Leadership of Giving Permission: A profound aspect discussed by Terry is the concept of leadership that involves giving others permission to dream and the belief to achieve those dreams. True leadership empowers and opens up possibilities for others.

❤️ Live Intentionally: Get inspired to storyboard your life, using Terry's insights on living with intentionality and focusing on what truly matters, ensuring your personal and professional life aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.

Terry's Website :


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