Previous Episode: The Art of Reflection
Next Episode: Remembering Wisdom

In this episode:
We look at the limits of a merely rational approach to life and the need to make place in our lives for mystery.

Let's make this a conversation:
Do you have a comment or  question about this episode, or about something you would like me to address in a future episode? Please contact me on Facebook ( or Twitter (@Jason_E_Smith).

For more on living a symbolic life:
Please check out my book, Religious but Not Religious: Living a Symbolic Life, available from Chiron Publications.

Sources for quotes and more:

“In our time, it's the intellect that is making darkness, because we've let it take too big a place...." ~ C.G. Jung from On the Frontiers of Knowledge in 'C.G. Jung Speaking.'“A mercenary of our will to power, the mind is trained to assail in order to plunder rather than to commune in order to love.” ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel in 'Man is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion.'Discussion of "instrumentally rational" in The Reenchantment of the World by Morris Berman.“The experiment presupposes a distorted image of [the human being].” ~ Raimon Panikkar in 'A Dwelling Place for Wisdom.'“There is no such thing as a baby.” ~ D.W. Winnicott from The Theory of the Parent-Infant Relationship in 'The International Journal of Psychoanalysis.' “Everything hints at something that transcends it; the detail indicates the whole, the whole, its idea, the idea, its mysterious root...." ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel in 'Man is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion.'The Cloud of Unknowing from the 'Classics of Western Spirituality' series."Understanding is a fearfully binding power, at times a veritable murder of the soul as soon as it flattens out vitally important differences...." ~ C.G. Jung from 'Selected Letters of C.G. Jung, 1909 - 1961.'“Love can survive only if wisdom has an effective voice.” ~ Gregory Bateson from Style, Grace, and Information in Primitive Art from 'The Anthropology of Art.'

"Dreaming Days," "Slow Vibing," and "The Return" by Ketsa are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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