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Bronwyn Williams & Bryan Caplan | The Small Print

In this episode of The Small Print, Bronwyn speaks to author Bryan Caplan about his latest book Don’t Be a Feminist: A Letter to My Daughter, a compilation of essays in which Caplan challenges the conventional view that we treat women less fairly than men as well as other social justice dogmas.


Bronwyn Williams is a futurist, economist, trend analyst and host of The Small Print. Her day job as a partner at Flux Trends involves helping business leaders to use foresight to design the future they want to live and work in. You may have seen her talking about Transhumanism or Tikok on Carte Blanche, or heard her talking about trends on 702 or CNBC Africa where she is a regular expert commentator. When she's not talking to brands and businesses about the future, you will probably find her curled up somewhere with a (preferably paperback) book. She tweets at @bronwynwilliams.


Flux Trends


Bryan Caplan is an American economist and author. Caplan is a professor of economics at George Mason University, research fellow at the Mercatus Center, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, and former contributor to the Freakonomics blog and EconLog. He currently publishes his own blog, Bet on It.


Bet on It

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