7Matt Millen, Co-founder and president at Regie.ai, and Billy Bateman, Co-founder and VP of Operations at Signals, recognize four specific reasons companies should utilize AI in their work environment. These speakers from the AI Revenue Summit discuss the necessary needs of AI prompt engineers, workflow, sales output, and monitored dashboard activity to help your company grow. To stay current on our latest events, follow us on Linkedin

Useful Timestamps: 

2:53 - We were doing AI before AI was cool

5:40 - What are the best ways sales teams should be using AI?

6:40 - You don't have to prompt engineer when using Regie.ai

6:58 - Regie intuitively knows the workflow you're in 

7:27 - Sales ready output

8:02 - Dashboard of rep activity

8:16 - Use vertically oriented AI instead of horizontally oriented AI 

9:03 - Example of how Regie.ai works in real time

19:39 - How do you set your team up for success with a Regie.ai specific tool? 

25:46 - What challenge do businesses typically face when trying to integrate an AI tool? How can they overcome them? 

28:06 - Closing Remarks