Dave Mulder is one of my favorite educators, and I love to follow him on Twitter. The "No More Crappy Homework" podcast we did nearly 3 years ago is the most listened to of these podcast conversations, so I talked Dave into a follow-up conversation.

Dave's bio: 

"I love to teach! Before joining the Education department at Dordt in 2012, I taught in Christian schools in California and Iowa for 14 years. While I thoroughly enjoyed teaching in K-12 schools, I have found that I also love teaching future teachers. I view this calling as a tremendous blessing, and I do not take it lightly.

My interest areas in education are varied, but include educational technology, online learning, teaching young adolescents, science education, social networks for professional learning, and teaching Christianly. I blog my reflections on these topics (and more!) and you are welcome to read along at http://iteach-and-ilearn.blogspot.com."