The value of College has been brought into question over the past few years, and I get to do College Counseling for a profession. Therefore, I found the research that Albert Cheng, David Sikkink, and Cardus ( has been quite beneficial to me in thinking through the purpose, value, and outcomes of Higher Education. I specifically appreciate the conversation with Albert on the importance of gaining discernment for the opportunities in seeking a vocation and developing relationships.

Bio: Albert Cheng is an assistant professor at the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas, where he received his PhD in education policy. He teaches courses on the history and philosophy of education as well as education policy analysis. He is known for his research on character formation, school choice policy, faith-based schooling, and homeschooling. He also serves on the editorial board for the International Journal of Christianity and Education. In addition to being a Cardus Senior Fellow, he is an research affiliate with Charassein: The Character Assessment Initiative at the University of Arkansas and the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard University. He has a master's degree in education from Biola University and was a high school math teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area after completing a mathematics degree from the University of California, Berkeley.