Join Liz Cruz M.D. and Tina Nunziato, Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, as they discuss the baby formula shortage.  Learn about the formula they used with their babies and why it's so much better than regular baby formula.  If you are struggling to find baby formula, stress no more...get out your blender and make it yourself.  Recipe is below!

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Dr. Cruz is a Board Certified Gastroenterologist who practices in Phoenix, AZ. Along with her wife Tina Nunziato, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, they have helped tens of thousands of individuals get well from a more holistic standpoint. They focus on issues such as constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, heartburn, gas, bloating, food sensitivities, IBS, Crohn's disease, and diverticulitis in addition to a person's general overall health. They do this by teaching about real food, water, digestive enzymes, probiotics, detox, greens, electrolytes, food sensitivity testing, and so much more. If you're struggling with finding the answers to your issues, tired of not feeling well, and sick of taking over the counter and prescription medicines, schedule a FREE 30 minute phone consult at

For more information visit or Enjoy the show! Dr. Liz Cruz and Tina Nunziato, CHNC

Recipe for Healthy Baby Formula

This recipe is to be used on newborns to 2 year olds (or older depending on health related issues / diet) as a replacement for standard baby formula.  The homemade almond milk should be made every 3-4 days and stored in the refrigerator.  The greens should be made right before serving to the child.  The child’s bottle should consist of half homemade almond milk and half greens shaken together.  

Greens for Babies

Supplies: Blender, Knife


·       Big handful of spinach (goes in the blender first)

·       2 stalks of celery cleaned and trimmed (I just use my hands and rip each one into three pieces)

·       ½ English cucumber (the long skinny one) cleaned and cut into 1 inch pieces

·       1-2 inches of water

Blend for 30 – 60 seconds to make sure all ingredients are liquefied.  Time for blending will depend on how good your blender is.  Ingredients should be able to fit through the nipple of a bottle.

Almond Milk for Babies

Supplies: Blender, strainer, milk bag / cheese cloth, big bowl, 4-cup measuring bowl, the gallon milk will go into (we would just rinse out an almond milk container that we used that week and change out this container each week as we made fresh almond milk)

Ingredients: 1 lb. of raw almonds (not roasted / salted)

You have to be watching the milk supply because the almonds need to soak overnight before they can be blended.  Make sure to have enough to get you through an evening / morning before you start to soak the evening before.  

Put almonds in a bowl and cover with water (soak overnight).   Once soaked overnight, put almonds into strainer and rinse them with water.  

Put a few inches of almonds into blender (this has to be done in batches – do not try to blend all the almonds at the same time).  Add water to almost double the contents.  

Blend for 30 – 60 seconds to make sure all ingredients are liquefied.  Time for blending will depend on how good your blender is.  

Pour contents into milk bag which is sitting inside or over the big bowl.  Begin to squeeze the contents of the bag so the milk is released into the bowl.  Continue to squeeze until no more milk is coming out.

Empty contents of milk bag into the trash (or use as nice shower scrub).  Pour milk from bowl into 4-cup measuring bowl and then put into milk gallon.

Repeat process – one big bag of almonds usually requires blending about 4 batches each time.  The almond milk will last 3-4 days in the fridge.