It has been a busy couple of weeks with the distractions of sports events to attend, in that period after a few days of very little activity there has been a lot of new material flooding in. The vast majority of the music in this edition is just too long for radio or the artist has created so much good music I felt compelled to share more of it. A few old favourites have returned as well as new discoveries, The global reach is far and wide with examples from Australia, Canada, Scotland, The States, Stoke on Trent and Abstercot.  Featuring music from Gareth Liddiard, Markus Floats, Cold Hands Warm Heart Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Edmund Campion, Tomistoma, Afarin Mansouri, Pathos Trio, Han-earl Park, Lara Jones and Pat Thomas, Moff Skellington.Cannonball Statman, and  The Man from Atlantis