On the episode I chat with Anette De La Rosa

What she is Eating - superfood smoothies

Watching - documentary “ Heal “ - on Netflix

Reading - Quantum Love by Laura Berman


She talks about her transition through the years of focusing on her body to now focusing on truly living her best life and also helping other women design their best life as well. We talk about how we both have evolved in the fitness space and were able to share our similar stories.

Anette also talks about how we can take our rock bottom experience and turn it into a blessing. That we all must go through these rock bottom moments to allow for growth.

She gives advice on how to move forward and heal from those rock bottom times in our life.

She asked the Universe for a sign and help to move on from her toxic relationship. She had to come to terms with her co dependency and take action steps to move forward Having a support system Investing in her own personal growth through travel, books and growing her business

“Life is Happening FOR you , not to you “

She also explains how she let go of her obsession with her body and stop letting food control her life through mindfulness , intention and “turning point” moments.

She gives tactical tips on how to manifest in your own life - freedom, abundance, love. It all comes down to energy - you get back what you put out. Start with working on “self “ and your own personal development and mindset to lead you to your goals and dreams.


Check out Anette’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/anettedelarosa/


She has developed the “ Design Your Life” program and empowers women all around the country to take back their life, take action and follow their dreams.

Anette's Design Your Life Program