There is hard science to support the benefits of exercise for those who are affected by cancer of any kind. We will discuss this on this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast. The good news is that now the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) introduced new standards in January of 2024 for exercise oncology. Supporting this initiative is Maple Tree Cancer Alliance.

Nationally there are around sixty-five hospitals and locations Maple Tree Cancer Alliance is partnering with to help patients and the medical community implement these changes to improve the lives of those affected by cancer.

I am speaking to the Founder and CEO of Maple Tree Cancer Alliance, Karen Wonders, PhD, and their Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jay K. Harness. They discuss the origins of Maple Tree and how it has grown internationally to provide free exercise training to thousands of cancer survivors. Their program is based on science and evidence with more than seventy peer reviewed manuscripts on the topic of exercise and cancer recovery.

Leading organizations across the world are supporting these efforts. We discuss the following organizations in our conversation:

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

American Cancer Society

American Society of Breast Surgeons

Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA)

American College of Sports Medicine

You can reach out to Dr. Wonders an Dr. Harness on LinkedIn here:

Karen Wonders

Dr. Jay Harness

Maple Tree Cancer Alliance