We are discussing a topic that will resonate with many of our listeners who have been affected by breast cancer. Whether you are the patient, caregiver, physician, or surgeon we are going to discuss navigating the complex Journey of being diagnosed with breast cancer through the lens of a nurse navigator. How does one seek this help at the cancer center you are being treated at? We will discuss working during a diagnosis and while in treatment and living a full and purposeful life as a survivor after breast cancer and breast reconstruction. We will also unpack the often challenging topic of palliative care and end of life for those who have metastatic disease.

My guest on this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast is Lillie Shockney, Co-Founder of AONN (Adademy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators) and University Distinguished Service Professor of Breast Cancer and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. These are only a few of Lillie’s accomplishments. She has many and is a well-known, well-respected voice in breast cancer and breast reconstruction. I am delighted to share this conversation with you. It felt so comfortable for me to record it for our listeners.