Have you ever been told you have dense breasts by a clinician after a mammogram? Whether you have or not, our topic on this episode of the DiepCJourney podcast is focused on dense breasts. My guest is a patient advocate who carries this message to many after her own diagnosis. Siobhán Freeney shares the story of her diagnosis and why her tag line, “Your Breast Density Matters” has become a call to action for patients and clinicians alike.

Patient advocacy is often born out of a diagnosis. What one experiences upon hearing you have breast cancer, often becomes a catalyst for change. Siobhán is beating the drum for dense breast awareness. Her call to action is early detection, regular self-breast exams, and being aware that dense breasts can potentially interfere with breast screening and what can be seen on mammograms. She discusses the various levels of breast density. Do check out her request form on her website, “Ask About Your Density.”

Siobhán and I dedicate this podcast to one of our own, Leigh Pate, who we lost in June of 2022 to cancer. Yes, Siobhán , we are standing on the shoulders of giants. Before her passing, I recorded an interview with her on the Lobular Breast Cancer you can listen to here: Lobular Breast Cancer.

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