This episode, the first, is dedicated to Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo. After a second breast cancer diagnosis in 2014, he performed my DIEP flap breast reconstruction after a double mastectomy earlier that same year. He not only was the microsurgeon I chose, he has become a mentor to me, the voice in the corner, always cheering me on.

I did a complete change in careers in early 2015 after my surgery and began writing the blog DiepCJourney: Reconstructing a Purposeful Life

One year later, after his encouragement, I opened a nonprofit foundation,, to support those affected by breast cancer sharing education and resources through their own Journey.  

His work ethic and desire to educate about breast cancer and breast reconstruction have been a compass and guiding light for me through my own advocacy. Constantly encouraging me to stay the course, find the communities that need this education, and unwavering willingness to help, have forged our commitment to continue this work. 

We take a walk down memory lane and finish with a powerful ending discussing the Breast Advocate App, an app he developed for those affected by breast cancer.

Enjoy the Journey, the chat, and the man on a mission to educate and an expert in breast cancer reconstruction and shared decision-making.