Wanneer is dit reg dat landsburgers en instellings soos Sakeliga teen die staat litigeer?
Piet le Roux (Sakeliga se uitvoerende hoof) bespreek hierdie kwessie op die Sakekern (Pretoria FM) se Beleidsradar-insetsel.

Le Roux en James Kemp bekyk Sakeliga se benadering tot litigasie en noem voorbeelde waar Sakeliga die howe bygestaan het om goeie presedente in die reg te vestig. Le Roux verduidelik waarom dit nodig is in Suid-Afrika se konteks om die staat in die howe tot verantwoording te roep.

Sakeliga was sover ‘n party in verskeie sake wat tot in die konstitusionele hof gevoer is. Sakeliga handhaaf ‘n uitstekende rekord van suksesvolle litigasie.

Why litigation against the state is definitely necessary – Piet le Roux on the Policy Radar

When is it justified for citizens and institutions such as Sakeliga to litigate against the state?
Piet le Roux (Sakeliga CEO) considers this question on Sakekern (Pretoria FM) on the Beleidsradar insert.

Le Roux and James Kemp take a look at Sakeliga’s approach to litigation and consider examples where Sakeliga assisted the courts in establishing beneficial legal precedent. Le Roux explains why it is necessary in the South African context to hold the state accountable in the courts.

To date, Sakeliga has been a party in several Constitutional Court cases and holds a solid record of successful litigation.