Piet le Roux (Sakeliga se uitvoerende hoof) gesels met James Kemp op die Beleidsradar (Vrydae-aande op Sakekern Pretoria FM) oor die onlangse herrie oor ‘n interne memorandum by Dis-Chem.

Die memorandum plaas ‘n moratorium op die verdere aanstelling en bevordering van wit mense in Dis-Chem.

Hierdie moratorium is uit verskeie oorde verwerp. Hoewel die memorandum teruggetrek is, is dit nog nie duidelik of Dis-Chem van die beleid self gaan afstand doen nie.

Die gesprek beskou die penarie waarin Dis-Chem en soortgelyke maatskappye hulself nou bevind. Le Roux wys daarop dat Dis-Chem in ‘n moeilike, maar nie onmoontlike posisie is nie.

Sakeliga is wel bekommerd dat groot maatskappye te maklik en te gelate instem om agente vir die staat se skadelike beleide gemaak te word. Sakeliga meen ondernemings moet nie net gelate aanvaar om agente van skadelike staatsbeleid gemaak te word.

Ondernemings moet veral nie in hul eie planne in hul teikens hul eie straf oplê nie.
In die komende tyd – met sulke beleide wat strenger toegepas sal word – meen Le Roux moet ondernemings saamstaan in georganiseerde groeperings om effektief teen sulke beleide terug te druk.


[Beleidsradar on Pretoria FM] Dis-Chem’s predicament – businesses are not agents of the state – Piet le Roux

Piet le Roux (Sakeliga's CEO) talks to James Kemp on the Beleidsradar (Friday evenings in Sakekern Pretoria FM) about the recent uproar caused by an internal memorandum of Dis-Chem.

The memorandum places a moratorium on any further appointments and promotions of white people at Dis-Chem.

The moratorium has been denounced from various circles. While the memorandum has been withdrawn, it is not yet clear whether Dis-Chem is going to drop the policy itself.

During the conversation, the predicament Dis-Chem and similar companies find themselves in will be discussed. Le Roux points out that Dis-Chem is in a difficult but not impossible situation.

Sakeliga, however, is concerned that big companies too easily and too resignedly agree to be made agents for the harmful policies of the state. Sakeliga believes businesses should not simply agree to be made agents of harmful state policy.

In particular, businesses should not impose their own punishment in their own plans and targets.

With such policies that are going to be applied even stricter in times to come, Le Roux says businesses should stand together in organised groupings to push back effectively against such policies.