Darren Finkelstein is an accountability coach, advisor and presenter. Darren also worked under Steve Jobs for ten years as Apple’s Manager of Commerical Markets, before starting his own boat sales business in St Kilda.

Darren is the author of three award-winning books on boating and lifestyle. He is a seasoned raadio presenter with 3AW, reguarly contributing with ‘Beach and Bay reports’. Through his accountaibility coaching business, Tick Those Boxes, Darren helps business owners, executives, and their teams to meet their obligations, promisises and commitments.

In this episode, Darren talks about his experience working under Steve Jobs and the pressures that came with the role. He talks about the leap of faith he took to start his own boat sales business and how he was able to connect the dots looking back. Darren also talks about the dichotomy between family life and work life, and the lessons he has learned over the years. Enjoy!


How Darren lost everything and found himself down to his last $500 while raising a 6-month-old son Darren’s experience working under Steve Jobs at Apple The dichotomies of business and family life and how to make both work The lessons Darren learnt during the six month period where he was unemployed The importance of listening during a sales conversation Why Darren buys his wife flowers every week

Darren’s LinkedIn

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