David Horne is a right-brained, creative accountant. He spent the first half of his career with big corporate entities - training as a Chartered Accountant with PWC and then holding senior finance roles with AT&T and the BBC.

David left that world in 1999 at the height of the dotcom boom and ventured into the world of entrepreneurial businesses. In the period up to 2010, he raised over £100 million and bought or sold more than 20 businesses. Since 2012, David has focused his time and efforts exclusively on working with Founders, helping them raise money and invest in their businesses, achieving exponential growth rates.

In this episode, David talks about his marriage of 30 years and the ingredients for a successful long-lasting relationship. However, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. When David’s wife was desperate to move home from Zurich to Canada, he received an offer for his dream job in Zurich. David talks about how he navigated this work-life dichotomy and the importance of trusting your heart and gut.

David also reveals his insights on the dichotomies of wealth creation, and how you can master your relationship with money. He explains his philosophy of making as much money as he needs to live comfortably, and then giving the rest away. Enjoy!


The key principles that David follows to lead a great life Using meditation and exercise as tools to clear your mind The importance of listening to your gut and your heart The lessons David learned when he launched his own wine business in 2010 The difficult work-life dichotomy David faced when living abroad The dichotomies of wealth and creation and understanding our relationship with money David’s audacious life goals and how they guide his decision making The ingredients of a successful long-lasting relationship

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

David’s LinkedIn

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