There are a lot of penalties and horrible rolls in this episode. It’s part of why it’s SO GOOD. Hear the crispy sizzling sound of more edge being burned and spent. Will the runners turn the tide against the super-awesome-commandos? If I told you more, you’d have no reason to listen! WARNING: Our RSS feed […]

There are a lot of penalties and horrible rolls in this episode. It’s part of why it’s SO GOOD. Hear the crispy sizzling sound of more edge being burned and spent. Will the runners turn the tide against the super-awesome-commandos? If I told you more, you’d have no reason to listen!

WARNING: Our RSS feed is changing … uh, sometime soon. If you use something other than iTunes or Google Play, make sure to update the RSS feed sometime soon to ensure you don’t miss an episode! Check back to this page for the new RSS feed.

If you want to heap praise and accolades upon us, save your breath. If you want to tell us about the time you caused a lot of possible swear filters because of your rolls, contact us by the methods below:

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