Keeley Taverner

Founder / Director - Key4Change Practitioners

Psychotherapist, Coach and Supervisor

Keeley was born in the UK to a first-generation black Jamaican mother and a white British father. Her parents split up when she was three years and she lived with her mother on a North-West London council estate. Her childhood was challenging in an environment where as Keeley puts it, “Expectations were low, teenage pregnancy was high and our schools housed us rather than engineered our minds for greatness. As a result, she left school with no qualifications or prospects and in turn, no ambition or self-belief.

By 1997, Keeley was a cashier on Ikea’s checkout line and a mother to two young daughters. She was also in an abusive narcissistic relationship and began reading self-help books. Keeley experienced a ‘yellow bag’ epiphany when retrieving abandoned stock at the tills. An inner voice that simply said, ‘surely you can do better than this Keeley’? Keeley believed that inner voice and from that moment on she has has taken bold, passionate, couragous steps to change her life. Keeley has definitely walked the walk and is priviledged that today she helps others who want to do the same.

Keeley is much more than a ‘book smart’ psychotherapist. Her transition from victim to victor, from unskilled cashier to straight-talking, no nonsense psychotherapist and Director of Key for Change is testament to her grit and determination to rise up, against the odds and to become her greatest self.

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