Brandishing perhaps the greatest handle in photography history, Dylan sits down with Tomoko Inoue, perhaps better known by her moniker, The Tinfoil Biter, to delve into her history as a concert photographer. A chance opportunity to photograph Down while in Japan opened the gate and her dynamic shots have highlighted the already heavy presence of such artists as Crowbar, High on Fire, Child Bite, Weedeater, and Osees. We go through some select sets of her photos while also touching on the highs and lows of living in Michigan in the 90s, how drawing lead her to photography, the dreaded purple light, knowing when to put the camera down, and randomly becoming acquainted with Henry Wilson from Floor*.

You can check out more of Tomoko's photography over at her website.

*NOTE: There was a slip of the tongue and we meant to say Henry WILSON of Floor. Mr. Vasquez is correctly from Saint Vitus, not Floor. Our bad!