Why NOW is a great time to work on your yoga teaching business………….

Making a sustainable and regular income teaching yoga doesn’t come easy.

If you found the last two year of the pandemic and its immediate aftermath a little difficult, you’re not alone. 


But if you’re at a low point; feeling stuck or thinking about ditching the dream of making a living from your teaching I want you to know there ARE yoga teachers out there making it work and at 69 I’m one of them.  


But you need to have some basics in place! You need to just know what to focus on to get some traction, before you can scale up to bigger things…..and that’s where I believe I can help.


With New Year just around the corner – there ARE opportunities – for those willing to look with fresh eyes at their business model, and get clearer about what they need to focus on to get hard cash in the back account.

In this podcast learn why now is a great time to work on your business, and how the start of a new year could see the start of a thriving business for you.