How are you feeling about teaching yoga right now?  

 Over the months of the pandemic and even in recent weeks, as life has returned a little more to normal, I've seen a number of threads in Facebook groups I'm part of  where teachers are talking about "losing their mojo,"  not enjoying teaching like they did and just feeling like pulling the plug on the whole idea of making a living as a yoga teacher.
 It's such a shame because all that time, energy, money and passion yoga teachers have invested into becoming a teacher gets lost in this downward spiral.
 Some are even talking finding their own practice suffers too, with the wider implications that has for their mental and emotional well-being.
 I know how losing your mojo feels!

 I'm creating a series of podcasts dealing with the whole issue of how we, as passionate yoga teachers can get back on track; whether that's in our mindset, our vision and our finances (or maybe all three!)   
 And in this, the first podcast I'll share three powerful questions I think really help us get out of that funk and into positive action.