What happens when trillions of dollars are suddenly introduced into the economy? Stocks go up.
Join me on March 2nd with "Episode 9: Goldie's Positions".
Relevant Links:
https://twitter.com/michaeljburry/status/1363226460979228673 (Michael Burry's Tweet)
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quantitative-easing.asp (Quantitative Easing)
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/monetarypolicy.asp (Monetary Policy)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe Hyperinflation)
https://www.ft.com/content/478fe908-5168-11ea-8841-482eed0038b1 (Negative Interest Rates in Sweden)
Many thanks to the following:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LOUtALSDqw (Moon Theme - DuckTales- L'Orchestre de Jeux Vidéo)
You can contact me at [email protected].

What happens when trillions of dollars are suddenly introduced into the economy? Stocks go up.

Join me on March 2nd with "Episode 9: Goldie's Positions".


Relevant Links:

Michael Burry's Tweet

Quantitative Easing

Monetary Policy


Zimbabwe Hyperinflation

Negative Interest Rates in Sweden

Many thanks to the following:

Moon Theme - DuckTales- L'Orchestre de Jeux Vidéo

You can contact me at [email protected].

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