It is my great honor to have humble and powerful medicine woman Malaika Darvilla to Dharma Wheel. She is founder of In My Elements and wisdom keeper of ancient and modern shamanism. We dive into restoring indigenous pride in ancestral wisdom and keep the storytelling alive so we can pass it on to the next generations. Let us travel through the prior colonization time and let us look at the current globalization. We are not here to judge but as wisdom keepers of indigenous and modern shamanism, we are here to awaken our consciousness in timeless, unseen, and subtle realms so that everyone can feel their ancestors roots, and limitless potential within.  We discussed: 

What is shamanism?
How colonization took ancient wisdom away and everyone forgot who they really are? 
Why it is important to keep our indigenous language, culture and dance? 
How shamans shine lights on entities, middle world spirits, and heal trauma through shamanic surgery
How these attachments ( entities) are related to  modern day mental health issues like negative emotions, feelings, and thoughts
Where these subconscious + conscious narratives and thoughts are coming from?
Ethnic shamanism vs. Universal shamanism & how to be feminine and be free from karmic bondages 
Why it is important for all beings to feel the Pachamama and dance her rhythm

We are not only here to work and pay bills. We are here to thrive, dance, and work through creativity and welcome our ancestral wisdom. We are spiritual beings experiencing human conditions and  here to learn and give back to mother earth. More about teachings of Malaika, here is her online offerings: and on instagram:

May your ancestral wisdom guide you back to who you really are, Aho!

Dharma Wheel Podcast