In this guided meditation, Ajahn Dhammasiha uses Santa Claus as a metaphor for the process of emptying the mind.

Santa's  job is to give gifts to all the kids for Christmas. He's working very  hard to fulfill this task, travelling on his sleigh carrying a very big  and heavy sack with all the presents. Similarly, our mind is carrying  around the heavy load of all kinds of different emotions, feelings,  moods, worries, desires, hopes, concerns, phantasies, images,  thoughts... and so on.

When  Santa takes the gifts out of his sack, his task is simply to give it  away to the kid that requested that particular gift. Whether the gift is  some beautiful doll, or some ugly monster, or some boring game, Santa  is not getting involved at all:

He's not terrified at the monster

He's not attached to the handsome doll trying to keep it for himself

He's not throwing away some yukky looking Ninja Turtle in disgust

Whatever he finds in the sack, he just acknowledges it and then gives it  away to the kid it's meant for, without clinging or aversion to the  gifts.

Similarly,  whatever comes up in our mind, we just acknowledge it for what it is,  but don't get involved at all. We don't attach to the pleasant stuff,  we're not averse to the unpleasant mental objects, no liking, no  disliking, no holding on. It's not our's anyhow, so we just give it all  away, letting go, emptying our mind.

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