I don’t know about you, but the pandemic has brought me a huge opportunity to explore my ambitions on a deeper level… 

Why do I want what I want?
What do we want collectively, and why?
Do I actually want what I say I want, really?
What conditioning and wounding has impacted my longings?
How can I even know whether my ambitions are truly mine?
Is it even okay to hold these desires, when so many have so little?

The questions of ambition are not questions we can neatly answer, but questions we’re invited to live in. 

This week’s podcast episode is an exploration on how we can live, breathe, and move within these complex questions... 

In this episode, I share:

How we can cultivate deeper self trust, while also interrogating our ambitions

The initial “yes” that can make all the difference, and why it’s not the whole story

Why unmapping from toxic ambition is Grief Work, and some thoughts on what we might need in order to be with it

The profound role pleasure can play in walking us back to a deeper understanding of our deepest longings and highest vision

You can find the show notes from this episode over at:  nishamoodley.com/ep15



Sign up for Nisha’s free new workshop, Embody Your Leadership: Expand your freedom to show up with vision & devotion, here: EmbodyYourLeadership.com

Meditation to connect with your Wise Future Self: NishaMoodley.com/join

Soul of Leadership opens for enrollment soon. You can get on the waitlist here: SoulofLeadership.com



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