In this episode we bring you a special interview with two well-known podcasters: Dick Wall and Avdi Grimm. Dick Wall, also known as the sheriff of the Java Posse, works as a Scala trainer and consultant at Escalate Software. Avdi Grimm, one of the Ruby Rogues, is a Ruby code hacker, Chief aeronaut at ShipRise and head chef at In the interview we cover a wide range of subjects like joy and courage in software development, siloing in the software community, an idea for a conference by Avdi that he'll never ever organise and working self-employed.

This interview was recorded on the morning after the Joy of Coding conference in Rotterdam at March 7th.
Interview by @freekl and @arnetim

Links for this podcast:

The slides of the presentations that Dick and Avdi gave at the Joy of Coding conference can be found on SpeakerDeck. Video recordings will follow soon on InfoQ.
Avdi creates short screencasts for Ruby developers, twice a week: RubyTapas.
Dick's talk on courage in software development can be seen on Parleys.
A bunch of Ruby Koans that we mention in the podcast can be found here.
The statement has to learn a new language every year stems from the Pragmatic Programmer book.


This podcast is in English - Deze podcast is in het Engels

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