From the BuildStuff Conference 2013, we bring you an interview with Tom Gilb. Tom is the author of nine published books, and hundreds of papers on Agile and related subjects. His latest book ‘Competitive Engineering’ (CE) is a detailed handbook on the standards for the 'Evo' (Evolutionary) Agile Method, and also for Agile Spec QC. The CE book also, uniquely in the Agile community, defines an Agile Planning Language, called 'Planguage' for Quality Value Delivery Management. His 1988 book, Principles of Software Engineering Management (now in 20th Printing) is the publicly acknowledged source of inspiration from leaders in the Agile community (Beck, Highsmith, and many more), regarding iterative and incremental development methods.

In this interview Tom speaks about how software development should be value driven, and how to go about achieving it.

Follow Tom on twitter: @imtomgilb

This interview was recorded on the 10th of December 2013 at the BuildStuff conference in Vilnius.
Interview by @freekl and @ArneTim

Links for this podcast:

For lists of books and papers by Tom and Kai Gilb visit their website on
Quantify the un-quantifiable: Tom Gilb at TEDxTrondheim (Video)
Agility is the Tool, not the Purpose, Presentation at the AgileByExample conference 2013
Book: Principles of Software Engineering Management, Tom Gilb, 1988
Book: Competitive Engineering: A Handbook For Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, and Software Engineering Using Planguage. Tom Gilb, 2005

This podcast is in English - Deze podcast is in het Engels

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