Previous Episode: 50 Shades of Shame
Next Episode: March In Review

According to a 2019 study, BEFORE we were all locked down due to the pandemic, 1 out of 4 adults in America experienced mental illness. 25% of the adult population is a staggering number and one of my experts thinks that number may be a bit small. Due to the pandemic lockdowns, those numbers are only getting bigger.

Mental health is an often overlooked and scrutinized topic in our country and it’s slowly but surely helping to destroy our population because our country doesn’t take it seriously enough. This week, in Cel’s absence, Jon brings in some experts!! We are joined by mental healthcare professionals Amanda Warden LMSW and RT Merritt MA Clinical Psychologist to discuss what we’re doing right with mental illness in this country, and most importantly what we’re doing wrong.

Your mental health is of the utmost importance because it quietly affects EVERY aspect of our daily lives. For that reason, we view this as THE most important episode of Deviance Welcome there has ever been to this point!

In this episode you’ll get:

An expert perspective of what the mental health care system looks like in America.
Some of the most prominent problems facing those that want to get professional help to better their mental health situation.
Some useful resources and avenues to pursue in case you or someone you care about could use them.

If we aren’t raising awareness, nothing will get done, so we’re doing our part to help people get better educated and find the help that so many need!


Helpful Resources:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:

24 hours a day


National Alliance on Mental Illness: