Christian Grey is an abuser, not a Dominant. At best, he’s a rich man who gets away with far more than he should.

This week, we’re taking sometime to review 50 Shades of Grey. We struggled through this movie because we wanted to shed some light and what BDSM topics are grossly misrepresented, and the movie certainly has quite a few. In this movie review, we don’t care at all for how the acting was, or how the story unfolded. We care about clearing up all of the garbage left behind for the the general public to believe.

In this episode you’ll get:

An itemized list of all the THING that the movie got right.(No it’s not a typo. There’s really only the one thing.)
A brief 101 crash course on BDSM fundamentals.
A far better understanding of what this movie could’ve been and how it chose to fall flat in favor of a more provocative story.

We didn’t suffer through this 2-hour suckfest for nothing!! Get in there and hear us rip it to shreds!!