Today’s episode, “The One with the Truth,” is a devotion to the discussion Jesus had with the Pharisees as told by John.  It’s time to get real...hold nothing back and continue with the truth. I have to be I made notes for this podcast...I’m kinda’ fired up...for a lot of reasons.  What gets me in knots, what blows my mind, what irks me… are the doubters and haters.  I just don’t get it.  What has me all fired up is a small part of the world right now, because it is so hypocritical and hateful.  And I don’t want that kind of world for anyone.  I especially don’t want that for the young ones in our world whose brains are still developing, and while their brains and hearts are taking in everything, how is it being understood when they’re not yet equipped with everything they need to understand?  Lots of what is happening right now isn’t truthful.  It’s just not. And if the young ones think this is right...then this hate will continue for decades as they mature.  It’s scary. Shooting’s scary.

There are people and groups in the world right now that intimidate, threaten, lie, riot and try to tear people and other groups down...with the sole purpose of destroying human beings.  I don’t get all.  When did that become okay to intentionally hurt someone?  When did it become humane to provide funding for groups to destroy people and property? It makes no sense.  Respect ALL life.  That means every single person. When did the world lose consequences? Morals? Beliefs? 

Let’s get to the truth...Jesus.  Jesus is the truth.  Here’s some more truth for those who - with their ignorance - despise Christians.  Christians are not better than anyone else.  Truth.  It’s a copout when someone says Christians are better than others... and uses that as an argument against Christianity. It’s such a farce for anyone to say that because the truth, the truth is Christians are more humble than anyone else and humility (modest, lack of pride, lack of vanity)  is quite possibly the greatest quality any human being can have.  Why are Christians more humble than anyone else?  Because Christians realize their inability to do things on their own and need help to get things done…for the grace and the glory of God.  Christians realize the gifts we - all humans - have been given.  Christians realize we weren’t created to know it be it desire it all....there is only one most high...only one omnipotent...only one...just one, one who has unlimited power and who is able to do anything.  Nobody else but God is all-powerful. And true Christians realize that. 

Look at those who bash Christianity or anyone group...they are those who create their own rules and justifications.  I believe deep down they know - just won’t admit - that there is only one almighty.  The same ones - when faced with death - crave Jesus then.  Do it now. Crave Jesus now and stop the hate.  Yet our world is filled with false-Gods.  Evil appears to be winning right now and we’re in a brutal battle.  I’m fired up...I want everyone - EVERY HUMAN BEING - to speak the truth they hear in their souls...let’s go.  

The truth will set you free! There is absolutely no proof that God did not create what we have today.  There is no reason to believe anything other than God created our world. God created you, and me and us.  We were created by God.  The world was created by God.  God is the truth.  And when you Jesus said, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples.  The truth will set you free.”  Jesus says he will not be left alone because he always does what is pleasing to Him. To God.  You know how good you feel when you do good...that’s exactly what Jesus is talking about.  Do good.