I spent some time on Father’s Day sitting at the graves of my grandparents….Grandpa Coolidge would’ve been 110 years old tomorrow.  I just sat there, prayed the Our Father and paid attention to my thoughts.  Several thunderstorms were building above the mountains, the temperature kept dropping and rising like a yo-yo, but the rain and lightning stayed away, and I focused hard on what I was thinking, perhaps what God was saying and perhaps what my loved ones were saying.  What kept coming up in my mind were questions and they all started with, “Why?”  When I really started paying attention to what I was thinking...I couldn’t help but laugh sometimes at the randomness of my thoughts and sometimes I felt like I could cry or throw a stick out of anger.  It hit me that we all want to know “why” at some level.

Why do bad things happen?  Why is the world the way it is right now? Why is there hate?  Why is there love when it can hurt, too? Why do people die? Why do we live?  Why is that squirrel so spastic? Squirrel.  Why do some trees provide shade and why do some provide no shade at all?  Why do some people get sick?  Why do some people not love?  Why do some people lie? Why are some people shy?  Why don’t some believe? Why do loved ones leave? Why can’t we get along? Why is there water? Why is there drought? Why are some hungry and why are some gluttens? Why is there sun and why is there none?  Why God, why?

Proverbs Chapter 3 1-8


1 My son, do not forget* my teaching, take to heart my commands;

2 For many days, and years of life, and peace, will they bring you.

3 Do not let love and fidelity forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.

4 Then will you win favor and esteem before God and human beings.

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely;

6 In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.

7 Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and turn away from evil;

8 This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones.

So….that’s why.  God has answers.  The Church...she has answers.  Clergy...they have answers.  Your gut feelings...the Holy Spirit has answers.  Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.  Trust...trust in the Lord with all your heart.

What questions do you have?  I’d love to hear from you!  I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I know where I can find some.  If you go to BYB4GOD.com and then go to the Prayer Requests tab...you will see a special section called, “Why, God?”  Submit your question there and I will look for answers to help you.  When I have questions, God, the Bible or clergy help me...and I want to help, too.  Maybe your question is the same another listener has and what if both were never asked, “Why?” Let’s get answers together.  

If you like music...you want to be sure to join us this Friday as singer/songwriter Jessica Blake shares a new release on Destination Heaven.  It’s a song that you will keep singing in your head and heart.  And if you don’t like music...this song will convert you to a music lover.  

Today...trust in the Lord with everything, EVERYTHING!, you have going on in your life.  Don’t let any question go unanswered and tear you up. Let’s fight the good fight. Let’s have each others’ back.  God Bless you all! Let’s Go!

Click here to listen to , "The Day Dad Died"