This week marks exactly one year since I started and got my "company" off the ground. A year later and it is still certainly not a company, but it has proved to be an incredible learning experience for me. While I typically reserve Destination Different for me interviewing other entrepreneurs and creators and asking them how they got their start, I realize that I've never shared the story of how my little project got off the ground.

This episode today is a peak behind the curtain of how yopro got its inspiration and all the hiccups that have occurred along the way. It has been an AMAZING year. Absolutely nothing that I expected, but I wouldn't change a single thing. If you're at all interested in my story or the yopro story, this quickie of an episode will give you a pretty good sense of where it has come from and where it's going.

We're on to bigger and better things in Year 2. Onward and upward, baby. Let's stay weird.

Toss us a follow why dontcha...?

IG - @yopro__

TW - @yopro_

FB - yopro