A beautiful mind meets a beautiful idiot in this episode of Destination Different. Our guest, John Cain Carney, founder and partner at the Philadelphia-based advertising agency Draulhaus, the beautiful mind. And me, your host, the beautiful idiot. We had a wide-ranging conversation in this one. Everything from how John and his team have basically learned how to build an agency from scratch, to where their unique name comes from, to a philosophical discussion about the similarities between sports and creativity.

JCC has this fascinating way of stringing together thoughts and words, which makes this episode an incredible listen. You can check out what his agency is doing at draulhaus.com and see check out life through John's photographic lens over on his Instagram at @visiboul.

And, of course, if you want to keep up with Destination Different and yopro, get on up in the links below. 

We'll see you next Wednesday.

Stay weird.

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