It has been a big year here on the podcast. Well, we launched, so that's kind of important. Then we interviewed some people, we made some videos, we had some laughs. It has been a wild ride so far and I can't even begin to describe how much fun it has been doing this thing. If people enjoyed listening to it even a fraction of the amount I've enjoyed making it, there can only be big things to come in 2020.

This episode is a mashup of some of my favorite moments and lessons from all the guests in 2019. Listening back on it, it's actually incredible all of the knowledge that our guests dropped this year. In addition to the best clips, I also break down my goals for yopro and Destination Different in 2020, which hopefully makes you think, "wow, this guy really has his shit together," when, in fact, I do not.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for a hell of a year in 2019. We're onto bigger and better things in 2020.

Stay weird.

Social stuff:

Instagram - @yopro__

Twitter - @yopro_