Does anyone reallyyyyy know what they're doing...? Probably not. Do the ladies of Ballots & Bottles? Absolutely not. This week on Destination: Different I interviewed Ellen Fleming (@ellenflem) and Lexi Dussi (@lexidussi) who co-host the podcast Ballots & Bottles (@ballotsandbottles) that offers up "Serious Subjects, Careless Coverage." The pair started the show over 2.5 years ago and set out to discuss politics in a way that was highly entertaining, but also informative. Since then they have recorded nearly 100 episodes (each one while downing a bottle of booze, hence the name) and they might just be the most perfect pair since Tom and Jerry.
We talked about how they completely deleted the first episode that they recorded, how we would deal with critics if we ever actually got famous, and someone (I won't name names...) even tells the story of making out with their Costa Rican travel host.
This is now Episode 3 of Destination: Different, so it has to be better than Episodes 1 & 2, right...?