We didn't get cancelled... yet. Destination: Different is back for another week, this time with Victoria Cumberbatch of Anderson Street. Vikki spent over 3 years traveling the globe living and working remotely, most recently leading a group of 50+ digital nomads as part of a program called Remote Year. When she returned stateside she started a digital video series called Anderson Street named after the street she grew up on. As a kid, there was always a cast of characters coming through her family dinner table and they discussed every taboo topic imaginable. Now she's trying to build a show that replicates those difficult conversations. Once again, at a dinner table. 
Vikki is absolutely hysterical. We discussed everything from moving back in with your parents, staying true to your creative vision, and dreaming BIG.

You can catch up on seasons 1 & 2 of Anderson Street on YouTube by simple searching "Anderson Street," as well as on Instagram at @andersonstreetv. You can also keep up with Vikki's personal shenanigans @adventuresofv (her Instagram Stories are must-watch).