When you think "Hollywood screenwriter" you probably think beautiful mansions, red carpets, and endless partying. What you probably don't think about are ALLLLL the hours that go into making a dream like that a reality. On today's episode of Destination Different we have screenwriter, playwright, and general deviant, Jeremy Gurvits, on the show to talk about his pursuit of a writing career in New York City.

Over the last year and change, Jeremy has written multiple feature-length comedies, numerous TV pilots, countless "spec" scripts, and even a play. What I quickly realized is that the life of a writer doesn't just fund itself, either. He has worked more odd jobs than I can possibly count, including a job that actually inspired his most recent TV script.

It is an incredibly entertaining interview, so be sure to give it a listen. And if after listening you feel so inclined to help make Jeremy's movie dreams a reality, you can find him on Twitter and Instagram (@jgurvits).


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