"Party time, excellentttt."

It all started with a birthday party when Ado Kawuba was just a junior in college. Since then, it has turned into a multi-disciplined entertainment property that throws parties attended by some of the biggest names in sports, music, and pop culture. 

On today's show we have my former soccer team and the current founder of Dope Promotions. His backstory into how he built the business he's in today is fascinating. Ado is a true hustler and has scrapped and clawed to build a team and make his brand one of the premier names in Boston night life. We talked a little bit of everything on this show from growing pains when he was just starting out, to building a team, to working with BIG name talent on a regular basis. 

Awesome interview. Tons of great stories. And a guy named "Ace" who remains the one thing I wish I asked more about...

You can keep up with everything Ado and Dope are doing over on Instagram @dopepromotions. Might even help you get into the next big party.


And, of course, keep up with yopro and destination different on the ol' socials below:

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