We've all been there. Fresh out of college, no job, no idea what we want to do for a living, so we hop on LinkedIn and start "networking" because it seems like the right thing to do.

But not all of us have been able to turn that "networking" into a flourishing online community and a slew of consulting opportunities. That's what Chris Russo has done. The 2019 graduate of Boston College felt like there was a lack of networking opportunities from his school in the media and communications space, so he decided to build them for himself.

Chris formed the Boston College Media Alumni Network to bring together like-minded professionals around an industry he was passionate about. He has since parlayed that into a weekly web show where he interviews influential alumni like Joe Sabia of Vogue's 73 Questions and Clinton Kelly of TLC's What Not to Wear.

Awesome episode with a ton of lessons about growing something from scratch, the idea of "chasing your passion," and the act of just doing. You can keep up with what Chris is doing over on LinkedIn, as well as follow along with the weekly web series over on YouTube (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

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