Day Trading Forex: How To Stop Impulsive Trades Before They Occur

In this Q&A #7, I discuss the topic of impulsive trading, especially for people who are day trading Forex. In addition, I go through the 3 questions I ask myself weekly to identify the problem I face in my trading, and how to overcome them. That has made an immense difference.

The advice shared in my Facebook Live Q&As are based on my own experience and the interviews I had with multiple successful traders on the Desire To Trade Podcast.

This episode ends with a quick discussion on trading beliefs. Those can either make you broke or rich. Therefore, I suggest you spend some time evaluating your beliefs. A good way to start would be to listen to my interview with Dr. Van Tharp as he describes the belief examination process he makes his students go through.

In This Episode, You'll Learn... What are impulsive trades The simple question that will keep you out of bad trades The 3 questions to evaluate your progress & get consistent profits faster Why your beliefs can make you a broke trader - and how to change that! Share This

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Resources Mentioned My interview with Dr. Van Tharp DesireToTRADE’s Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) DesireToTRADE Academy (lifetime membership promo until Dec. 18th 2016!) About The Desire To Trade Podcast Subscribe via iTunes (take 2 seconds and leave the podcast a review!) Subscribe via Stitcher Subscribe via TuneIn Subscribe via Google Play See all podcast episodes