Trading Full-Time & Managing A Private Fund - Ali Crooks

In episode 408 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, we will be listening to the recording of an interview with the legendary Ali Crooks. He talks about trading full-time & managing a private fund. Many traders start great but don't end well. Listen to this podcast to learn it straight from a long-term trader who made it happen!

The video is also available for you to watch on YouTube.

>> Watch the video recording!

Topics Covered In This Episode 00:15 Introduction 00:34 Updates on Ali Crooks 01:55 Ali's biggest cash-winning week 05:13 Getting a "paycheck" from trading 06:19 How to address two trading mindset issues 09:02 Ali's journaling routine 13:48 Keeping it simple 14:13 How often Ali takes breaks from trading 16:22 Having the right trading routine 18:30 Tips on managing trading, education, and other aspects of life 22:43 Making time for growth 24:19 Planning your day and time-blocking 26:15 What to focus on to become a better trader 30:14 Understand "you" as a trader 31:55 Backtesting vs. live feedback 35:06 Ali's advice: Owning what you do 37:55 Where to find Ali Crooks (links below) and much more

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