Legendary Professional Trader & Market Wizard - Tom Basso

In episode 391 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, we will be listening to the recording of an interview with legendary professional trader & market wizard, Tom Basso. Long-term success in trading is not built overnight. If you want to trade full time leading to a profitable lifestyle, you can catch the best strategies from this interview with a million-dollar market wizard!

The video is also available for you to watch on YouTube.

>> Watch the video recording!

Topics Covered In This Episode 00:15 Introduction 00:33 Who is Tom Basso? 03:40 How did Tom start trading? 05:44 From chemical engineering to trading 07:50 The "behind-the-scenes" in trading 09:57 Tom's travel and trade routine 11:15 When did he decide to manage funds for other people? 14:46 Leaving job to trade full-time 17:11 Mindset in transitioning from a full-time job to full-time trading 18:27 Raising $17 million 23:01 How much work did it take to build his capital? 25:03 The introvert trader life 25:27 Tom's transition to trading by himself 31:22 What to focus on when creating a strategy 32:55 Price-action and data 34:32 How Tom adapts to different market conditions 37:42 Importance of not listening to the news 40:00 Sweet spot on the number of trading strategies 41:21 Tom's wisdom for traders 44:19 Where to find Tom Basso? (links below) and much more

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