Secrets From An Ex-Pit Trading Legend - Andrew Lockwood

In episode 389 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, we will be listening to the recording of an interview with Andrew Lockwood, a legendary ex-pit trader. Get a glimpse of the trading scene when he was just starting as a trader. You wouldn't want to miss this exclusive interview where Andrew shares secrets to his journey to success in the last 30 years.

The video is also available for you to watch on YouTube.

>> Watch the video recording!

Topics Covered In This Episode 00:15 Introduction 00:45 Who is Andrew Lockwood? 03:34 How did he start trading? 07:16 How did the learning curve for trading look like back then? 10:26 What were the expectations in terms of profit? 14:03 What differentiates the winners from the losers? 18:17 On moving to digital trading... 21:21 Andrew's insights on price action 25:11 What's a good key level? 29:14 Reversals, trends, rules... 32:01 Advice for people who are cutting their trade short 36:34 A pilot's mindset in trading 38:02 What kept him going for many years? 41:56 Where to find Andrew Lockwood (links below) and much more

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